5 Steps to Prep Old or Future Garden Beds Now

make living soil
You can also do this around perennial plantings like blueberries as we did in this pic

Post update: This process can be done any time of year ..

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Happy autumn!

As the days grow shorter and cool down, fall is a great time to get outside.  Save yourself some work next spring by preparing your current or future garden now with these easy steps:

  1. Chop old dying plants off at ground level, or mow very low, and chop up the above ground parts
  2. Put either cardboard or 4 sheets of newspaper down over your existing beds, or over an area you would like to make a garden next year.
  3. If it is a windy day, hose down the cardboard/paper so it does not blow away while you are working.
  4. Put the chopped up old plants on top of the cardboard/newspaper (or you can compost it)
  5. Top off with leaves racked from your yard and then a bit of hardwood mulch to hold it all in place and look tidy

You’ve just accomplished:

  •  Beginning to build healthy living soil that will grow great plants for you
  • If the bed is current – provided weed suppression for next spring planting
  • If the bed will be new next year – you have started eradicating grass or whatever is currently in the space so making the bed will be much easier next spring

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Happy Gardening !

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